News post #4: New stuff coming

So you may have seen our home page, and you are now probably wondering, “What will the workshop be?” Well, I can answer that.

The workshop will be a way to test our prototype, early-in-development or otherwise unfinished games. We plan on moving The Happy Green Frog Game part 1 to the workshop to change the design. A new game or two will be in it as well, though they might not all have a name.

You may also be wondering, “Why do you have a guide for ‘Rock, Paper, Scissors, Defense!’ when I can’t find the game?” I can answer that too.

The game is almost finished in development, and I (Adam) think that it is a good way to announce it, instead of having a blog post.

You may also be wondering “Why do you not have any games out of beta?” We need time to test our games, so right now they are in beta. The triple colored journey has only one known bug, so we do not think it will take long for it to be out of beta. (For those who want more details, it is the problem where you will bounce a little on the moving platforms.)